The QED Friday Night Quiz and Mixer

Published 26 July 2024 at 10:23
QED quiz winners from 2022, holding their trophies

While QED doesn’t officially start until 9am on Saturday morning, there’s always plenty on offer in the buildup to the weekend, to get our attendees in the mood.

That’s why, starting at 11am, we have Skepticamp - a free, one-day event where speakers from among the QED audience give fifteen-minute talks on subjects they find interesting.

Plus, we have our Friday night mixer and meetup event, taking place in the hotel bar, where attendees can get to know each other, and revel in the growing sense of QED buzz.

And finally, rounding out our Friday program, we have the ever-popular QED Quiz night, where skeptics can take time out of asking questions, and start answering them instead. There, you can expect to stretch every synapse, attenuate your amygdala and nourish your neurons, as your team fights it out in a contest designed to sort the smart cookies from the daft biscuits. The winning team will receive the glory that is the QED Quiz trophy, and the eternal respect of the QED-going audience.

This year’s quiz will again be presented by Ian Hawkins, The Ivy Club’s Resident Quizmaster, and a former writer for BBC Radio Four’s The News Quiz and The Now Show.

Given the capacity of the room, and the popularity of the quiz, places will be strictly limited, but you can guarantee your place by registering in advance via this quick form (but only complete it if you have your QED ticket and are planning to attend!).

QED tickets are still available, so you can pick up yours today, register for the quiz, and get ready to test your knowledge against the smartest skeptical audience around!